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Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One

[Presented privately to a late Minister, when he entered upon his Administration; and now first published.] An ancient Sage valued himself upon this, that tho’ he could not fiddle, he knew how to make a great City of a little one. The Science that I, a modern Simpleton, am about to communicate is the very…

An Infallible Method To Restore Peace and Harmony

To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. Permit me, Sir, to communicate to the Ministry, thro’ the Channel of your Paper, an infallible Method (and but one) to silence the Clamours of the Americans; to restore Peace and Harmony between the Colonies and the Mother Country; to regain the Affections of the most loyal, and…

On the Hutchinson Letters

A Correspondent observes, that the Discovery of Governor Hutchinson’s and Oliver’s Letters points out an easy Way of re-establishing Peace and Harmony between Great Britain and her Colonies, and consolating the Confidence of the latter, by producing all the confidential Letters received from America in public Affairs, and from public Men. It is in vain…

Stoop! Stoop!

To Samuel Mather Reverend Sir, London, July 7. 1773. By a Line of the 4th. past, I acknowledged the Receipt of your Favour of March 18. and sent you with it two Pamphlets. I now add another, a spirited Address to the Bishops who opposed the Dissenter’s Petition. It is written by a Dissenting Minister…