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Transfer Prints on Tiles

To Peter P. Burdett Sir, London, Nov. 3, 1773. I was much pleased with the Specimens you so kindly sent me, of your new Art of Engraving. That on the China is admirable. No one would suppose it any thing but Painting. I hope you meet with all the Encouragement you merit, and that the…

A Chimney-Sweeper’s Logic

To the Printer of the Publick Advertizer Sir D.E.Q. that is Sir F. Bernard in his long labour’d, and special dull Answer to Q.E.D. endeavours to persuade the King, that as he was his Majesty’s Representative, there was a great Similitude in their Characters and Conduct, and that Sir: F.’s Enemies are Enemies of his…

I’ll Be Hanged if This Is Not Some of Your American Jokes upon Us

To William Franklin DEAR SON, London, October 6, 1773. I wrote to you on the 1st of last month, since which I have received yours of July 29, from New York. I know not what letters of mine governor H. could mean, as advising the people to insist on their independency. But whatever they were,…

An Edict by the King of Prussia

For the Public Advertiser. The SUBJECT of the following Article of FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE being exceeding EXTRAORDINARY, is the Reason of its being separated from the usual Articles of Foreign News. Dantzick, September 5. WE have long wondered here at the Supineness of the English Nation, under the Prussian Impositions upon its Trade entering our Port.…

‘Tis Never Too Late To Mend

To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. SIR, I had the Pleasure to read in your Paper of Saturday last some excellent Rules, by which a GREAT EMPIRE may be reduced to a small One. They are drawn up in a fine Vein of Irony, which is admirably supported throughout. If the Ministry have any…