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Van Buskirk’s Visit to Jersey – Justice Hedden

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. January 27.—Last Tuesday night, a party of the enemy, consisting of about three hundred infantry, under the command of Colonel Van Buskirk, of the new levies, and about sixty dragoons, said to be under the command of Captain Steward,…

Van Buskirk’s Account of the Elizabethtown Raid

Genl. Sterling Staaten Island. 26th Jany. 1780 Sir, Persuant to the orders I received yesterday, I marched last evening about dark, with the detachment under my command, taking the rout directed by Brigr. General Skinner, the guides led me without discovery to the rear of the town, which I entered without any alarm – immediately…

Skirmish in Eastchester, N. Y.

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. January 18.—Early this morning, a detachment of rebel militia, collected from the neighborhood of Horseneck, under the command of a Captain Lockwood, attacked a house between King’s Bridge and De Lancey’s Mills, in which Lieutenant-Colonel Hetfield, Major Huggerford, Captain…

Birthday Ball at New York

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. January 19.—Yesterday, the anniversary of her Majesty’s birthday was celebrated at New York with uncommon splendor and magnificence. At noon, a royal salute-was fired from Fort George, and repeated by his Majesty’s ships-of-war at one o’clock. The public rooms…