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Anthony Afterwit

Mr. Gazetteer, I am an honest Tradesman, who never meant Harm to any Body. My Affairs went on smoothly while a Batchelor; but of late I have met with some Difficulties, of which I take the Freedom to give you an Account. About the Time I first address’d my present Spouse, her Father gave out…

Rules and Proposals for a Club

Rules for a Club Formerly Established in Philadelphia Previous question, to be answer’d at every meeting. Have you read over these queries this morning, in order to consider what you might have to offer the Junto touching any one of them? viz. `1. Have you met with any thing in the author you last read,…

To melt the Pewter Button

From New-York, we hear, that on Saturday se’nnight, in the Afternoon, they had there most terrible Thunder and Lightning, but no great Damage done. The same Day we had some very hard Claps in these Parts; and ’tis said, that in Bucks County, one Flash came so near a Lad, as, without hurting him, to…

On Simplicity

There is in Humane Nature a certain charming Quality, innate and original to it, which is called SIMPLICITY. In latter Ages, this has been almost universally exploded, and banished from amongst Men, as the Characteristic of Folly; whilst Cunning and Artifice have prevailed in its stead, and with equal Justice been dignified with the Titles…