Ostendunt Terris hunc tantum Fata, neque ultra Esse sinunt. ——– Virgil. It has been observ’d Sir William Petty in his Political Arithmetick, that one half of Mankind, which are born into this World, die, before they arrive to the age of Sixteen, and that an half of the remaining part never measure out the short…
All posts in Eras
On Constancy
Hi mores baec duri immota Catonis Secta fuit, servare modum, finemque tenere, Naturamque sequi, patriaeque impendere vitam. Lucan. When I have sometimes observ’d Men of Wit and Learning, in Spite of their excellent natural and acquir’d Qualifications, fail of obtaining that Regard and Esteem with Mankind, which their Inferiors in point of Understanding frequently arrive…
Queries on a Pennsylvania Militia
B. Franklin, Thee art desired to insert the following Queries in the Gazette, for the Consideration of People. Whether it is not a great Disadvantage to the French, and a great Discouragement to their Colonies on this Continent, that from the Mouth of Missisipi to St. Lawrence they have no Ports to the Sea, for…
Brave Men at Fires
To the Publisher of the GAZETTE. An experienc’d Writer has said, there was never a great Man that was not an industrious Man, and I believe that there never was a good Man that was a lazy Man. This may serve to introduce a few Thoughts I have had while meditating on the Circumstances of…
Blackamore, on Mulatto Gentlemen
Set a Beggar on Horseback, &c. Chesh. Mr. Gazetteer, It is observed concerning the Generation of Molattoes, that they are seldom well belov’d either by the Whites or the Blacks. Their Approach towards Whiteness, makes them look back with some kind of Scorn the Colour they seem to have left, while the Negroes, who do…