To James Logan Having read the Chapter on Moral Good or Virtue, with all the Attention I am Capable of, amidst the many little Cares that Continually infest me, I shall, as the Author Condescends to desire, give my Opinion of it, and that with all Sincerity and Freedom, neither apprehending the Imputation of Flattery…
All posts in Eras
The Art of Saying Little in Much
Amplification, or the Art of saying Little in Much, seems to be principally studied by the Gentlemen Retainers to the Law. ‘Tis highly useful when they are to speak at the Bar; for by its Help, they talk a great while, and appear to say a great deal, when they have really very little to say.…
A Sea Monster
From Bermuda, they write, that a Sea Monster has been lately seen there, the upper part of whose Body was in the Shape and about the Bigness of a Boy of 12 Years old, with long black Hair; the lower Part resembled a Fish. He was first seen on shore, and taking to the Water,…
Advice to a Pretty Creature and Replies
Mr. Franklin, “Pray let the prettiest Creature in this Place know, (by publishing this) That if it was not for her Affectation, she would be absolutely irresistible.” The Pennsylvania Gazette, November 20, 1735 . . . The little Epistle in our last, has produced no less than six, which follow in the order we receiv’d ’em.…
Women’s Court
We hear from Chester County, that last Week at a Vendue held there, a Man being unreasonably abusive to his Wife upon some trifling Occasion, the Women form’d themselves into a Court, and order’d him to be apprehended by their Officers and brought to Tryal: Being found guilty he was condemn’d to be duck’d 3…