On the 3d Inst. arrived here the Rose, of London, Capt. Croak Commander, from whom we have the following Relation, viz. That on the 17th of June last, being on his Voyage from Newfoundland to this Port, and in the Latitude of 41 Deg. N. and 48 Deg. of Longitude, he espied a Sail that made Signals of Distress;…
All posts in Eras
Opinions Should Be Judged of by Their Influences
To Josiah and Abiah Franklin Honour’d Father and Mother April 13. 1738 I have your Favour of the 21st of March in which you both seem concern’d lest I have imbib’d some erroneous Opinions. Doubtless I have my Share, and when the natural Weakness and Imperfection of Human Understanding is considered, with the unavoidable Influences…
Upon the Talents Requisite in an Almanack-Writer
To the Author of the Pennsylvania Gazette. SIR, As I am a great Lover of all Works of Ingenuity, and the Authors of them, so more especially am I a great Reader and Admirer of those Labours of the Learned, called ALMANACKS. As I am a considerable Proficient in this Sort of Learning; and as at this time…
Captain Farra
The same Day arrived Capt.Farra, who has long been given over for lost. In his Voyage from Jamaica hither, he was cast away in Palachee Bay within Cape Florida, among the Cannibal Indians, who were extreamly kind and assisted in saving the Cargo, Rigging, &c.;And News of the Wreck coming to Augustine, the Spaniards sent…
The Drinker’s Dictionary
Nothing more like a Fool than a drunken Man. Poor Richard. ‘Tis an old Remark, that Vice always endeavours to assume the Appearance of Virtue: Thus Covetousness calls itself Prudence; Prodigality would be thought Generosity; and so of others. This perhaps arises hence, that Mankind naturally and universally approve Virtue in their Hearts, and detest Vice; and…