To Elizabeth Hubbart DEAR CHILD, PHILADELPHIA, February 22, 1756. I condole with you, we have lost a most dear and valuable relation, but it is the will of God and Nature that these mortal bodies be laid aside, when the soul is to enter into real life; ’tis rather an embrio state, a preparation for…
All posts in Eras
A Parable on Brotherly Love
1 In those days there was no Worker of Iron in all the Land, And the Merchants of Midian passed by with their Camels, bearing Spices, and Myrrh, and Balm, and Wares of Iron. And Reuben bought an Ax from the Ishmaelite Merchants, which he prized highly, for there were none in his Father’s house.…
A Parable Against Persecution
CHAP. XXVII 1. And it came to pass after these Things, that Abraham sat in the Door of his Tent, about the going down of the Sun. 2. And behold a Man, bowed with Age, came from the Way of the Wilderness, leaning on a Staff. 3. And Abraham arose and met him, and said…
A Dialogue Between X, Y, and Z, Concerning the Present State of Affairs in Pennsylvania
X. Your Servant, Gentlemen; I am glad to see you at my House. Is there any thing new To-day? Y. We have been talking of the Militia Act; have you seen it? X. Yes; I have read it in the Papers. Z. And what do you think of it? X. The more I consider it,…
The Quantity of Human Ignorance
To William Shipley Philada. Nov. 27. 1755. I have just received your very obliging Favour of the 13th. September last; and as this Ship sails immediately, have little more time than to thank you cordially for communicating to me the Papers relating to your most laudable Undertaking, and to assure you, that I should esteem…