To ——– Dear Sir I have read your Manuscrit with some Attention. By the Arguments it contains against the Doctrine of a particular Providence, tho’ you allow a general Providence, you strike at the Foundation of all Religion: For without the Belief of a Providence that takes Cognizance of, guards and guides and may favour…
All posts in Eras
A Defense of the Quakers and the Pennsylvania Assembly
Some Account of the late Disputes between the Assembly of Pensylvania, and their present Governor William Denny, Esq; In our Magazine, Vol. xxv. p. 87 Vol. xxvi. p. 28. we have given a very particular account of the disputes between the assembly of Pensylvania and the late Governor Morris, which had exactly the same cause,…
They Expect Too Much of Me
To Jane Mecom DEAR SISTER, New York, May 30, 1757. I have before me yours of the 9th and 16th instant: I am glad you have resolved to visit sister Dowse oftener; it will be a great comfort to her, to find she is not neglected by you, and your example may, perhaps, be followed…
Old Folks and Old Trees
To Jane Mecom Dear Sister New York, April 19. 1757 I wrote a few Lines to you yesterday, but omitted to answer yours relating to Sister Douse: As having their own Way, is one of the greatest Comforts of Life, to old People, I think their Friends should endeavour to accommodate them in that, as…
Heat and Cold
To John Lining Sir, New-York, April 14. 1757. It is a long Time since I had the Pleasure of a Line from you. And indeed the Troubles of our Country, with the Hurry of Business, I have been engag’d in on that Account, have made me so bad a Correspondent, that I ought not to…