To William Strahan Dear Straney Philada. Dec. 19. 1763. I have before me your Favours of July 16, and Augt. 18. which is the latest. It vexes me excessively to see that Parker and Mecom are so much in Arrear with you. What is due from Parker is safe, and will be paid, I think…
All posts in Eras
The Natural Capacities of the Black Race
To John Waring Reverend and dear Sir, Philada. Dec. 17. 1763 Being but just return’d home from a Tour thro’ the northern Colonies, that has employ’d the whole Summer, my Time at present is so taken up that I cannot now write fully in answer to the Letters I have receiv’d from you, but purpose…
The Royal Proclamation of 1763
Preamble WHEREAS we have taken into Our Royal Consideration the extensive and valuable Acquisitions in America, secured to our Crown by the late Definitive Treaty of Peace, concluded at Paris the 10th Day of February last; and being desirous that all Our loving Subjects, as well of our Kingdom as of our Colonies in America,…
The Arts Delight to Travel Westward
To Mary Stevenson My dear Polley Philada. March 25. 1763 Your pleasing Favour of Nov. 11 is now before me. It found me as you suppos’d it would, happy with my American Friends and Family about me; and it made me more happy in showing me that I am not yet forgotten by the dear…
I Look’d Round for God’s Judgments
To Jared Ingersoll Dear Sir Philada. Dec. 11. 1762 I thank you for your kind Congratulations. It gives me Pleasure to hear from an old Friend, it will give me much more to see him. I hope therefore nothing will prevent the Journey you propose for next Summer, and the Favour you intend me of…