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Democracy in America I: Chapter VIII, part III

The Federal Constitution Part III Re-election Of The President When the head of the executive power is re-eligible, it is the State which is the source of intrigue and corruption – The desire of being re-elected the chief aim of a President of the United States – Disadvantage of the system peculiar to America –…

Democracy in America I: Chapter VIII, part I

The Federal Constitution Part I I have hitherto considered each State as a separate whole, and I have explained the different springs which the people sets in motion, and the different means of action which it employs. But all the States which I have considered as independent are forced to submit, in certain cases, to…

Democracy in America I: Chapter VII

Political Jurisdiction In The United States Chapter Summary Definition of political jurisdiction – What is understood by political jurisdiction in France, in England, and in the United States – In America the political judge can only pass sentence on public officers – He more frequently passes a sentence of removal from office than a penalty…

Democracy in America I: Chapter VI

Judicial Power In The United States Chapter Summary The Anglo-Americans have retained the characteristics of judicial power which are common to all nations – They have, however, made it a powerful political organ – How – In what the judicial system of the Anglo-Americans differs from that of all other nations – Why the American…