From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. AUGUST 17 – Among the many brave militia who were in the action yesterday, at Bennington, the Reverend Mr. Allen, of Pittsfield, ought not to be omitted. At the commencement of the action, he marched up within a few…
All posts in Battles
Battle of Stillwater
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. September 20. –Yesterday, about noon, the two armies met near Stillwater, and a most obstinate and bloody battle ensued. The advanced parties of the Americans, which were composed of Morgan’s riflemen and Dearborn’s infantry, received the first fire of…
Sullivan’s descent on Staten Island. – American Account
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. August 23. –Yesterday morning, before daybreak, a body of rebels, under the command of Messrs Sullivan, Smallwood} and De Bourg, landed in two divisions upon the west end of Staten Island. By the acknowledgment of some of their officers,…
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. September 11. –We have had a severe time of it to-day. Early in the morning the commander-in-chief receiving intelligence that the British were advancing in two columns from their camp at Kennet Square, made a proper disposition to receive…
Battle of Bennington
August 17. –Yesterday is to be remembered on account of a signal victory the militia, under the command of General Stark, obtained over a body of the King’s troops, commanded by Colonel Baum, some account of which is here given by one who was himself in the action. It seems that General Burgoyne had detached…