To [Thomas Hopkinson?] According to my Promise I send you in Writing my Observations on your Book. You will be the better able to consider them; which I desire you to do at your Leisure, and to set me right where I am wrong. I stumble at the Threshold of the Building, and therefore have…
All posts by Benjamin Franklin
Appreciation of George Whitefield
On Sunday the 20th Instant, the Rev. Mr. Whitefield preach’d twice, tho’ apparently much indispos’d, to large Congregations in the New-Building in this City, and the next Day set out for New-York. When we seriously consider how incessantly this faithful Servant (not yet 32 Years old) has, for about 10 Years past, laboured in his great Master’s…
Atlantic Ship Crossings and the Motion of the Earth
To Cadwallader Colden Sir I receiv’d yours with others enclos’d for Mr. Bertram and Mr. Armit, to which I suppose the enclos’d are Answers. The Person who brought yours said he would call for Answers, but did not; or, if he did, I did not see him. I understand Parker has begun upon your Piece.…
The Antediluvians Were All Very Sober
The Antediluvians were all very sober For they had no Wine, and they brew’d no October; All wicked, bad Livers, on Mischief still thinking, For there can’t be good Living where there is not good Drinking. Derry down ‘Twas honest old Noah first planted the Vine, And mended his Morals by drinking its Wine; He…
All Wives Are in the Right
To James Read DEAR J —— , Saturday morning, Aug. 17. ’45. I have been reading your letter over again, and since you desire an answer, I sit me down to write you one; yet, as I write in the market, will, I believe, be but a short one, tho’ I may be long about…