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The Married Regiment

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

When Governor Trumbull recommended to the householders in Connecticut, who were not obliged to do military duty, to form themselves into companies, choose their own officers, and equip themselves for the defence of these States, a number of aged gentlemen in the town of Waterbury embodied themselves, and nominated their own officers, who were honored with commissions. When the regiment of militia, to which they belong, was ordered to New York, agreeable to a late resolve of the general assembly, this company was the first that marched and reached the place of rendezvous. It is now at Rye, and consists of twenty-four men; their ages added together, are a thousand years; they are all married men, and when they came from home left behind them their wives, with an hundred and forty-nine children. One of them is fifty-nine years of age, and is the father of nineteen children, and twelve grandchildren; fourteen of his own children are now living. A worthy example of patriotism. –Let others go and do likewise.1


1 Pennsylvania Evening Post, February 25, 1777.

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