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Bucks County, Pennsylvania

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

May 9. –The committee of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, met yesterday and recommended the people to associate into companies, and learn the military exercise of arms. Some townships have already begun, and many others, animated with the same zeal for the welfare of their country, readily fall in with the plan, a knowledge of which, we have great reason to fear, we shall be soon called upon to give a proof of. The unanimity, prudence, spirit and firmness, which appeared in the deliberations of yesterday, do honor to Bucks county, and will, we hope, in some measure, wipe off those aspersions they too deservedly lay under. A large number of the inhabitants assembled, and the resolves of the day being made public, testified their highest approbation of the conduct of the committee, and unanimously voted them the thanks of the county. A disciple of that species of creatures called tones being formally introduced to a tar-barrel, of which he was repeatedly pressed to smell, thought prudent to take leave abruptly, lest a more intimate acquaintance with it should take place. 1


1 Pennsylvania Packet, May 15.

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