In the Name of the most Holy & undivided Trinity. It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the Hearts of the most Serene and most Potent Prince George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, Arch- Treasurer and…
All posts in 1783
August 12, 1783. Winter and Culture in Poland.
Aug. 12th. Tuesday. This morning my Father went to Versailles. At half past 12 I met the Abbé Arnaud at the Thuileries, and we walk’d together to Passy. I dined at the Abbé Chalut’s there, in Company with the Abbé de Mably and some other Gentlemen. The Abbé has travelled thro’ Poland, and talk’d a…
Washington’s Circular to the States
Sir The great object, for which I had the honor to hold an Appointment in the service of my Country being accomplished, I am now preparing to resign it into the hands of Congress, and to return to that domestic retirement; which it is well known I left with the greatest reluctance, a retirement for…