From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. July 8.—Lafayette and Wayne are leading the British in Virginia through a very intricate path. The latest operation is that of Wayne, with a handful of Pennsylvanians, frightening the whole of Cornwallis’s army of “undaunted Britons.” The Tories say…
All posts in 1781
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. July 26.—Lord Cornwallis has returned over James, River to Portsmouth, Virginia, having detached all his cavalry to Carolina. Most disgracefully has he finished a plundering excursion into the heart of Virginia. It is now clear that all ideas of…
Action at Tarrytown, New York
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. July 20.—On Sunday evening, the 15th instant, two sloops of war, two tenders, and one galley, all British, came up Hudson River, with intention, as is supposed, to destroy the stores then moving from West Point to the army.…
Anecdote of Arnold
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. During Benedict Arnold’s military speculations in Virginia, he took an American captain prisoner. After some general conversation with the captain, he asked him what he thought the Americans would do with him if they caught him? The captain at…
Capture of Colonel Hayne
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. July 1.—Last Thursday night [June 28] a small party of mounted rebel militia surrounded the house of Andrew Williamson, Esq., formerly brigadier-general of the South Carolina militia, about seven miles from Charleston, and without allowing him time to put…