From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.
September 29.—Last Wednesday [September 26] afternoon his royal highness, Prince William Henry, arrived at New York, accompanied by the honorable Admiral Digby; he was received at landing by his Excellency the commander-in-chief, accompanied by the governor, the admiral, generals, and other great officers of the crown, conducted to Commodore Affleck’s, where his royal highness dined, and in the evening retired to apartments provided for his accommodation in Wall street.
Yesterday the militia and independent companies appeared under arms, and his royal highness was saluted by them en passant, to the house of his Excellency Lieutenant-General Robertson, where an elegant dinner was provided for him.
It is impossible to express the satisfaction felt (by persons of all ranks) from the ease, affability, and condescension shown by this most pleasing, manly youth, when he appears abroad amongst the happy and approved loyal subjects of the good and gracious king, our best and firmest friend, the majesty of England, his royal highness’ sincerely beloved father.
Soon after his arrival, the governor, in the name of himself, his Majesty’s council, and the inhabitants, presented him with the following address:—”May it please your royal highness to permit me, with the members of his Majesty’s council, to hail your auspicious arrival on the American shore; at the same time suffer me to express the congratulations which all the inhabitants, by their chief magistrate, have commissioned me to convey to your royal highness.
“On the report of your coming, we felt our obligation to our gracious king for this new and signal proof of his regard. Tour royal highness’ appearance augments our gratitude by improving our idea of the extent of his goodness. Your presence animates every loyal breast. The glow in our own persuades us you are formed to win every heart. A rebellion that grew upon prejudice, should sink at the approach of so fair a representation of. the royal virtues. But if a misled faction, not to be vanquished by goodness, persists in the war, every man of spirit will be proud to fight in a cause for which you expose your life.
“May your royal highness bring an accession of glory to that distinguished family from which you are descended, and who, as patrons of liberty, and the Protestant religion, have spread blessings amongst nations.”
To which his royal highness was pleased to make the following answer:—”Gentlemen: I beg you will receive my best thanks for your attention to me, and congratulations on my arrival in this country, which I shall certainly take the first opportunity of making known to his Majesty. I desire you will accept of my best wishes for the prosperity of America in general, and this province in particular.”1
1 Rivington’s Gazette, September 29.