From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

October 1.—Yesterday the board of general officers appointed by General Washington for the trial of the unfortunate Major Andre, having fully considered the facts belonging to his case, reported that he “ought to be considered as a spy from the enemy, and that agreeably to the law and usage of nations, in. their opinion he ought to suffer death.” General Washington approved of this opinion, and ordered the execution to take place this afternoon, but owing to the arrival of a flag from the enemy, it is postponed until to-morrow at.noon.1
The following is a copy of a letter from Major Andre to his Excellency General Washington, received to-day:
“Sir:—Buoyed above the fear of death, by the consciousness of a life spent in the pursuit of honor, and fully sensible that it has at no time been stained by any action which, at this serious moment, could give me remorse, I have to solicit your Excellency, if there is any thing in my character which excites your esteem, if aught in my circumstances can excite you with compassion, that I may be permitted to die the death of a soldier; it is my last request, and I hope it will be granted. I have the honor to be, &c.”2
1 Clift’s Diary; and MS. letter from Charles Wilson to Timothy Payne.
2 New Jersey Journal, October 25.