From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.
May 23.—Yesterday afternoon, Colonel Delancey, with a party of his loyal refugees, made an incursion of about thirty miles into the enemy’s country. The foot took post at Byram Bridge, while the horse passed Sherwood’s Bridge, and proceeded to Horse Neck, where a party of rebels were stationed. They immediately attacked them, killed eight, took prisoners a lieutenant, a commissary, a Mr. Knap, a Presbyterian parson, and thirty-six rank and file; also took and destroyed a piece of cannon, which the Jonathans in vain endeavored to defend. The loyalists were so quick upon them that they could not discharge it more than twice before it was taken possession of. Lieutenant Kipp, with a small detachment under his command, took six prisoners at another place. The loss of the rebels would have been much greater had it not been for a wood near where they lay, in which they took shelter, and where it was impossible for Colonel Delancey’s horse to act. The only loss the refugees sustained, was Captain Fowler, a brave and gallant officer, who was unfortunately killed from a window of the house where the picket guard was posted.1
1 Rivington’s Gazette, May 27.