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British Enter New York

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

New York in 1776
New York in 1776

September 16. –Yesterday morning, about eleven o’clock, the British troops, under cover of a tremendous fire from eight or ten ships-of-war, effected a landing near Mr. Stuyvesant’s house in the Bowery, and in a few hours after took possession of the city of New York. About the same time, the Asia man-of-war and two other ships proceeded up the North River, but were very roughly handled by the American battery at Powle’s Hook. This morning, at daylight, the Asia came down much faster than she went up, she and her consorts having narrowly escaped destruction by four of our fire ships that run in among them. 1


1 Freeman’s Journal, Oct. 5.

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