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Dr. Benjamin Franklin

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

May 5. –This evening arrived at Philadelphia, Captain Osborne, from London, in whom came passenger the worthy Dr. Benjamin Franklin, agent for Massachusetts government, and the province of Pennsylvania.

Welcome! once more,
To these fair western plains–thy native shore;
Here live beloved, and leave the tools at home,
To run their length, and finish out their doom.
Here lend thine aid to quench their brutal fires,
Or fan the flame which Liberty inspires,
Or fix the grand conductor, that shall guide
The tempest back, and ‘lectrify their pride.
Rewarding Heaven will bless thy cares at last,
And future glories glorify the past.

Why staid apostate Wedderburn behind,
The scum–the scorn–the scoundrel of mankind?1
Whose heart at large to every vice is known,
And every devil claims him for his own;
Why came he not to take the large amount
Of all we owe him, due on thine account?2


1 Referring to Wedderburn’s attack on Dr. Franklin in the Privy Council, in England, January, 1774.

2 Pennsylvania Packet, May 8.

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