To Georgiana Shipley Dear Miss, London, Sept. 26. 1772 I lament with you most sincerely the unfortunate End of poor Mungo: Few Squirrels were better accomplish’d; for he had had a good Education, had travell’d far, and seen much of the World. As he had the Honour of being for his Virtues your Favourite, he…
All posts in 1772
Moral or Prudential Algebra
To Joseph Priestley Dear Sir, London Sept. 19. 1772 In the Affair of so much Importance to you, wherein you ask my Advice, I cannot for want of sufficient Premises, advise you what to determine, but if you please I will tell you how. When these difficult Cases occur, they are difficult chiefly because while…
Rivers Are Ungovernable Things
To Samuel Rhoads Dear Friend, London, Augt. 22. 1772 I think I before acknowledg’d your Favour of Feb. 29. I have since received that of May 30. I am glad my Canal Papers were agreable to you. If any Work of that kind is set on foot in America, I think it would be saving…
Suppress’d by the Legislature
To Anthony Benezet Dear Friend, London, Augt 22. 1772 I made a little Extract from yours of April 27. of the Number of Slaves imported and perishing, with some close Remarks on the Hypocrisy of this Country which encourages such a detestable Commerce by Laws, for promoting the Guinea Trade, while it piqu’d itself on…
The Sommersett Case and the Slave Trade
It is said that some generous humane persons subscribed to the expence of obtaining liberty by law for Somerset the Negro. — It is to be wished that the same humanity may extend itself among numbers; if not to the procuring liberty for those that remain in our Colonies, at least to obtain a law…