Britain is said to have produced originally nothing but Sloes. What vast advantages have been communicated to her by the Fruits, Seeds, Roots, Herbage, Animals, and Arts of other Countries! We are by their means become a wealthy and a mighty Nation, abounding in all good Things. Does not some Duty hence arise from us…
All posts in 1771
What Sort of Husbands Would Be Fittest
To Anna Mordaunt Shipley Dear Madam, London, Aug. 13. 1771 This is just to let you know that we arriv’d safe and well in Marlborough Street about Six, where I deliver’d up my Charge. The above seems too short for a Letter; so I will lengthen it by a little Account of our Journey. The…
An Adventure to Gain Forbidden Knowledge
Dear Sister, London, July 17. 1771 I have received your kind Letter of May 10. You seem so sensible of your Error in so hastily suspecting me, that I am now in my turn sorry I took Notice of it. Let us then suppose that Accompt ballanced and settled, and think no more of it.…
How Raindrops Grow
To Thomas Percival On my return to London I found your favour, of the sixteenth of May (1771). I wish I could, as you desire, give you a better explanation of the phaenomenon in question, since you seem not quite satisfied with your own; but I think we want more and a greater variety of…
The Seeds Sown of a Total Disunion of the Two Countries
TO THE MASSACHUSETTS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: GENTLEMEN, London, 15 May, 1771. I have received your favor of the 27th of February, with the Journal of the House of Representatives, and copies of the late oppressive prosecutions in the Admiralty Court, which I shall, as you direct, communicate to Mr. Bollan, and consult with him on…