To the Printer of the London Chronicle. SIR, I send you for your excellent Paper, an extract from the famous Jesuit Campanella‘s discourses address’d to the King of Spain, intituled, Of the Meanes of extending the Greatnesse of the Spanish Monarchie. The language is a little antiquated, being the old translation in the edition of…
All posts in 1761
Faults in Songs
Posted on Author Benjamin FranklinPosted in 5. Letters, Benjamin Franklin, Colonial America, Letters, Poetry & Music, The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Vol III: London
To Peter Franklin Dear Brother, I like your ballad, and think it well adapted for your purpose of discountenancing expensive foppery, and encouraging industry and frugality. If you can get it generally sung in your country, it may probably have a good deal of the effect you hope and expect from it. But as you…