To John Baskerville Dear Sir, Craven-Street, London. Let me give you a pleasant Instance of the Prejudice some have entertained against your Work. Soon after I returned, discoursing with a Gentleman concerning the Artists of Birmingham, he said you would be a Means of blinding all the Readers in the Nation, for the Strokes of…
All posts in 1760
Color and Heat
To Mary Stevenson My dear Friend It is, as you observed in our late Conversation, a very general Opinion, that all Rivers run into the Sea, or deposite their Waters there. ‘Tis a kind of Audacity to call such general Opinions in question, and may subject one to Censure: But we must hazard something in…
The Best English
To David Hume Dear Sir, Coventry, Sept. 27. 1760 I have too long postpon’d answering your obliging Letter, a Fault I will not attempt to excuse, but rather rely on your Goodness to forgive it if I am more punctual for the future. I am oblig’d to you for the favourable Sentiments you express of…
Tides in rivers
To Mary Stevenson My dear Friend, London, Sept. 13. 1760 I have your agreable Letter from Bristol, which I take this first Leisure Hour to answer, having for some time been much engag’d in Business. Your first Question, What is the Reason the Water at this Place, tho’ cold at the Spring, becomes warm by…
The Knowledge of Nature
To Mary Stevenson Dear Polly, Cravenstreet, June 11. 1760 ‘Tis a very sensible Question you ask, how the Air can affect the Barometer, when its Opening appears covered with Wood? If indeed it was so closely covered as to admit of no Communication of the outward Air to the Surface of the Mercury, the Change…