Mr. Franklin, “Pray let the prettiest Creature in this Place know, (by publishing this) That if it was not for her Affectation, she would be absolutely irresistible.” The Pennsylvania Gazette, November 20, 1735 . . . The little Epistle in our last, has produced no less than six, which follow in the order we receiv’d ’em.…
All posts in 1735
Women’s Court
We hear from Chester County, that last Week at a Vendue held there, a Man being unreasonably abusive to his Wife upon some trifling Occasion, the Women form’d themselves into a Court, and order’d him to be apprehended by their Officers and brought to Tryal: Being found guilty he was condemn’d to be duck’d 3…
Dialogue Between Two Presbyterians
Mr. FRANKLIN, You are desired by several of your Readers to print the following DIALOGUE. It is between Two of the Presbyterian Meeting in this City. We cannot tell whether it may not be contrary to your Sentiments, but hope, if it should, you will not refuse publishing it on that Account: nor shall we be offended…
On a Pertinacious Obstinacy in Opinion
As a pertinacious Obstinacy in Opinion, and confident Self-Sufficiency, is possibly one of the greatest Vices, as well as Weaknesses, that the human Mind is capable of; so on the contrary a Readiness to give up a loved Opinion, upon due Conviction, is as great a Glory, as well as Happiness, as we are here capable of attaining:…
Reply to a Piece of Advice
Mr. Franklin, In your Paper of the 18th past, some Verses were inserted, said to be design’d as a PIECE OF ADVICE to a good Friend. As this Piece of Advice, if it had been intended for a particular Friend alone, might have been as well convey’d to him privately; I suppose the Author by getting…